How Well Do You Handle Change?
Most people find change to be stressful – even if it’s a change they want like marriage, moving into a new place, landing a new job or promotion. And then there is unplanned, often unwanted change which people tend to resist. Why do people have such a difficult time with change? First of all change is a loss – a loss of the old ways, and there will be a certain amount of mourning the needs to occur. And then there is fear – fear of the unknown and of failure. But change is constantly occurring in the workplace and in our lives so it’s critical we anticipate it, accept it and develop the skills that allow us to effectively deal with it. Increasing your personal resilience is key to being a change master.
Resilience is adapting well in times of change, being able to bounce back from challenges and being flexible. This doesn’t mean that you won’t experience discomfort or some level of stress. That’s normal. Healthy, resilient people however are more stress-resistant and learn from experience. They find ways to cope and have things turn out well.
When confronted with change, first, get clear on what information and resources you will need to process the change. This allows you to regain some control and accept what you do not have control over. Then start to look for opportunities. Ask yourself what do I want to get out of this change? How could this actually benefit me? What result do I want to avoid? To create? Then take action – what steps can move you forward?
Grow from change, learn to navigate it. Instead of recoiling and giving up, approach change as a meaningful challenge! Review lessons learned from your past – what worked well for you in past times of change and how could you apply that here?
Finally keep things in perspective – take a long term view of the situation. Maintain a hopeful outlook by focusing on what you want rather than worrying about what you fear. Change can be stressful so it’s important to take good care of yourself as you are going through it. Engage in relaxing, enjoyable activities such as exercise, hobbies, spending time with supportive family/friends, meditating, walking in nature.
Change is inevitable and often stressful but you determine how you will respond to it. By strengthening your personal resilience you will be able to not only adapt well but to be an inspiration to those around you.